Dive-Zveri • Просмотр темы - bloggingaboutanything


Обсуждение предстоящих Сафари, Поездок, Семинаров и Посиделок.
Модераторы: ВиТим, Lion

Сейчас этот форум просматривают: в настоящее время на конференции нет зарегистрированных пользователей и гости: 6

Сообщение Ср авг 31, 2022 11:25

My hometown is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river at the foot of low green hills.
It has many fine buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere.
I love my hometown, and I love its people. They too have changed. Healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.
Everything has changed since liberation. The people, led by the Party, have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital.
have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital.
Along the river they have built offices, hotels and a big park.
Factories with tall chimneys have sprung up.
On the river steamers and boats come and go busily, day and night.
They carry the products of our
industries to all parts of the province.

Сообщения: 1
Откуда: Армения, Ереван
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Сейчас этот форум просматривают: в настоящее время на конференции нет зарегистрированных пользователей и гости: 6
